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About Alice...


Alice is a born and bred Herefordshire girl, whose parents have a history steeped in equestrianism. Alice's mother Sally evented up to advanced level, she then met Alice's father John, and they successfully trained point-to-pointers with many winners including hunter chases and a picture on the front of 'The Sporting Life' (Racing Post these days!)

Alice started riding from an early age, competing in her first ODE at the age of 6. When asked how the dressage went she replied 'I went clear!' they then jumped double clear but her 'clear' in the dressage apparently wasn't good enough!

Alice came up through the North Hereford Pony Club participating in all disciplines and competing at the Pony Club Championships many times. This success encouraged her to try for the British Pony Team. Her chosen steed was a thoroughbred ex polo pony called Joker. When they went to look a him, his rider fell off at the first fence in the SJ, always a good start!







Undeterred, off they journeyed to Brougham, Cumbria, for their first Pony Trial, as they say 'Go hard or Go home!' Alice and Joker managed to finish 10th which they were suitably pleased with and qualified for the British Pony Championships....from then on she was hooked!

This led her interest in school to falter and an equine career to blossom. Alice showed so much excitement and dedication that all manner of disciplines were explored including point-to-pointing, team chasing, hunt rides and hunting. However, eventing was always her passion.

Alice then moved on to her next big adventure in 2005. Riding Coconut Grove, a horse she started riding that year, she was asked to compete for Great Britain in the Junior European Championships where they were placed 10th and Best British combination.

This followed with some lovely new rides including the special Beau Bear who went on to complete Badminton and Burghley with clear XC. They were also first reserve for the British Young Rider Team.

Alice now has lots of super young horses to bring on and aims for the top!


Alice Pearson

Pearson Eventing

Great Wacton Farm





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